Author(s): |
Chander Parkash |
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Abstract |
This paper focuses on the trials conducted by media and then, how it affects a fair trial. The fourth pillar of democracy is media. To check government and its organs an independent media is required. But in recent times media is overstepping its boundaries due to too much of corporatization and its never ending race to engage maximum viewership. It has been seen that media ends up violating the principles of a fair trial by announcing its own verdict even before the beginning of the trial. As a result even before the verdict is delivered in court the person accused is held guilty in the eyes of the public. This sort of sensationalism also somehow affects the Judges as they are humans after all. The opinion created by media is bound to have a sort of effect on them. The suggestion proposed hereunder is to have a responsible self restrain by media along with more of public participation in polity to create a balance between a fair trial and independent media. |
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Paper ID: IJSARTV Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 1/4/2017 |
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