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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Vehicle Identification Using Android Enabled Mobile Devices.


Prof. Pritesh A. Patil,Aniket P. Gaikwad


Vehicle Identifcation, QR code, Encoder, Decoder, XML files, Database, SQL query, Data Validation, Buzzer system.


Now a day’s Vehicle identification is an important area of research for improving methods of vehicle recognition in public and private places. When GPS tracking is not available and the license plate number is missing or unknown then how to find the vehicle information is really a big challenge. To overcome this issue, we are proposing Vehicle Identification System which is a QR code based system that will help in identifying the vehicle in public or private places like Traffic signal and Society, buildings, parking respectively. This quick and robust system will propose to detect and describe features of a vehicle image, specifically in an android application using QR code mounted on vehicles. After description of QR code it fires the query on database for searching information in the database. Real time android applications are the real challenges for this system. By using this system vehicle tracking and tracing is going to become comparatively easy task for the people who may or may not be technically competent.

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Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 3/1/2016

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