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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi, Thing Speak, PIR Sensor, Motion detection


In every country agriculture is done from ages which are considered to be science and also art of cultivating plants. In day today life, technology is updating, and it is also necessary to trend up agriculture too. IoT plays a key role in smart agriculture. Internet of Things (IoT) and sensors are used to provide necessary information about agriculture fields. The main objective of this project is to monitor the crop by using the wireless sensor networks and collect the data from different sensors which are deployed at various nodes and send by wireless protocol. It consists of raspberry pi, various sensors, a pi camera, and a pump motor. Raspberry pi is the main controlling unit that can control the operation of various sensors and actuators. The sensors are used to sense the temperature, humidity, moisture level. If there is any variation in moisture level, then the sensor will update the observed value and store in the cloud. For the security system, PIR sensor is used to detect the motion in the farmland. The Pi camera captures the pictures and transfers it to the cloud through Raspberry pi and all this sensor data is stored in a Thing Speak cloud. So that we can view it from a remote location using Thing Speak and also the collected data is transferred to farmers mobile using GSM Module.

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Published in: Volume : 9, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/3/2023

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