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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Jai Shree M


Saline, IR Sensor, Flow Sensor, Servo motor, buzzer, Arduino Microcontroller.


As in the hospitals the each patients should be treated properly. In that manner saline is one of the important for patients. As saline is used for the treatment of dehydration, metabolic alkalosis in the presence of fluid loss, and mild sodium depletion. When saline is given to the patients ,then it is necessary for the nurses and doctors to have an continuous monitoring on the level of saline as well as they have to note the droplet rate of the saline .There are many cases where patients are harmed due to inattentiveness of the nurses, as this absence can lead to patients death, as once the saline bottle is empty there is an problem of backflow of blood and if the droplet rate is fast then it may cause many changes in patient as far the headache, high blood pressure and it may cause trouble in breathing as well as the body temperature should be noted. Hence to protect the patient of getting harmed the Saline level observation technique based on IoT has been developed. In this the sensor will observe the saline drops and the buzzer will let the nurse about the saline’s emptiness.

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Published in: Volume : 9, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 4/3/2023

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