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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Dr.Vidhya P.M


Literature survey, Purchase Intention, Price Attractiveness, Time Saving, Interactivity, Tangibility


Online Shopping play a great importance in the modern business environment. Online shopping has opened the door of opportunity and advantage to the firms. This paper analyzed the different issue of online shopping. The research aims to provide theoretical contribution in understanding the present status of online shopping. This paper is a expressive study based on the detailed review of earlier pertinent studies related to the various concepts of online shopping. Solitude and safety risk emerges regularly as a reason for being cautious about internet shopping. Shopping convenience, information seeking, social contact, and diversity affects the consumer attitude towards online shopping. The impossibility of product testing, problems with complaints, product return and missus of personal data are the main doubts regarding on-line shopping. This study combines factors that other studies have done that will influence the consumer’s purchasing decision. It includes the price, perceived risk. All of those factors will contribute to the study of customer’s purchasing intention for apparels on both stores which includes online and offline shopping.

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Published in: Volume : 9, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 1/5/2023

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