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Volume 10 Issue 4

April 2024

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Mr. A. R. Patil


Solar Train, Head on generation system, automatic on off system.


In this project we can show how solar power used in train and head on generation used in train and also used automatic system using PIR sensor or motion sensor. Now a days End on generation system used in train in this system generator car is connected behind the train. In the generator car generator works on the diesel, for ac coach 65 to 70liter diesel is used to generate electricity and one liter diesel only generate 3 units of electricity. So a non ac coach uses around 120units of electricity in one hour. The main aim of our project is save electricity in train. For this aim we will used renewable energy i.e. solar energy and automatic system. Solar energy is used for only the electrification of coaches and automatic system is used on station. Now a days we are experiencing a lead shortage in a electrical energy. The nonrenewable sources that are we going to used get exhausted and the renewable energy is vital for future. We are also experiencing shortage of batteries in marked and hike in fuel price. The train is the main source of public transportation. Train requires maximum electric energy but sometimes all requirements of train are not get fulfilled by accessible electrical energy. Hence we are propose use of solar energy in the train to modify the application of normal train. The solar train technology is in developing stage. The principle of the solar train is used to store energy in the battery during and after charging it from solar panel. This idea will help to protect fuel extenuation.

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Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/2/2022

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