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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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T.M.Senthamil Selvan


CRM, Organization, Customer, Relationship and Management


So far, technology has been a major driver of change. Technology has redefined every aspect of the business. What we are seeing today is the final shift of power from the organization to the hands of the customer. Today's enterprises have no choice but to change and evolve. Changes are relevant to all aspects of the business and are not limited to one aspect of the business. Those who can't see the trends and change themselves will perish. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) packages and technologies are becoming enablers to make this possible. Service providers such as banks, transports, traders, firm, airlines, food industries, insurance companies, online shopping providers and e-traders etc., have developed effective means of recognizing and communicating with individual customers, thereby building emotional bonds with them. It is a part of development of the organization and customer as well. This study identifies effective mechanisms that influence the development of customer relationship management research strategy concepts, reviews scientific literature, and introduces customer relationship management competence around the globe. Provides an overview of CRM research and identifies gaps in previous CRM literature reviews. To achieve this, this study is based on the 2010-2022 period. Data are collected from 537 research papers on CRM for the 2010-2022 period sourced from major online databases. Then capture the article keywords and analyze the data to determine different perspectives on CRM research. Next, the CRM components are categorized. The resulting schema is used to screen the literature. The results show the latest technologies in this period (2010-2022) on CRM research, understanding of CRM components, their categories and methods.

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Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 5/4/2022

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