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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Senthil Kumar V


Computer vision, Human-Computer interaction, Virtual mouse


Now a days technology becomes a lot more accessible with the help of wireless technology. Even though there are many technologies still there are some lags for the people who are differently abled or people with motor disabilities. The project is named "Virtual mouse for people with Motor disabilities". This proposed system is about gives a virtual mouse rather than an equipment mouse for individuals who couldn't have the option to control the mouse exercises Since mouse is one of the main parts in a PC and it would be hard for individuals with motor inabilities The fundamental goal of this paper is to beaten this issue by proposes a framework for without hands mouse control utilizing facial signal acknowledgment methods that can help individuals with motor disabled people. The main objective of this paper is to enhance the interaction between computers and human beings (HCI). The proposed system detect the face and it was highly trained by the iBUG-300W dataset which made the system a suitable solution for all conditions. As MachineLearningalgorithmsarebecomingpopulartosolvechallengingand interesting real-world problems around us. The evaluation of experimental analysis shows that the proposed system has extensive performance and never compromises in terms of stability and sensitivity.

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Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 1/5/2022

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