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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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Augmented Visualizer for Real Time Data through Virtual Reality in Automation and Control over Internet


Jyoti Mukherjee


Augmented reality, Virtual Reality, Unity, Vuforia, IoT


The term Virtual Reality (VR) has attained it remarkable position from the beginning of the 1990s. Researchers had a sturdy physiological belief that someday their work will rule the future. On deep analysis of information science, we came to understand that Virtual Reality was presented with the Sutherland Institute within the 1960s. During the project demonstration researchers from the laboratories had delivered their promise “Impossible also can be Possible once we get into augmented reality. They proved that in the future entire world will rely on science and data. Currently, we were all surrounded by technology. The newest formation of IoT is now converging to IoE (Internet of Everything). While using this technology, one can access each device, equipment, and machinery within its surrounding through any application or “middleware system”. In our present life, even our assistants and workers are been replaced with tech gadgets like smart assistance (Google Home, Alexa). This evolution has solved a number of the issues with remote operations, but in some scenarios, it’s hard to speak with smart speakers due to environmental voice-over amplitude. As an example, there could be a large change of information mismatching in an exceedingly noisy environment. Filtering units can resolve this issue to some extent, but once we bring this to commercial sale the price of the merchandise with the perfect filter is going to be hectic for mid-range customers. Additionally that, it consumes an extended time to test this status of home gadgets if the information engine was mismatched. In further, the user must raise his questions because of such data mismatch. To beat this we propose automation through AR smart Home environment, which uses augmented reality and gesture recognition technology. On further evaluation of this prototype, we found that automation would be purely user-friendly and versatile to interact through gestures in an exceedingly augmented environment. In our project, we are going to use unity to bring an augmented reality camera, in brief, called an AR camera rather than a true camera together with Vuforia to present an AR-based IoT. Virtual switch which might control any device connected to a network.

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Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 1/2/2022

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