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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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Mr. Shubham Sanjay Dusane


Camera, channel


Using Internet of Things, Image processing and Mobile Computing, our project proposes security system. Over the past decade, the use of the smart intrusion technology along with the concerning security has been increased due to a variety of crimes and intrusion. Thus, in this system, we are concentrating on providing immediate notification to the users about the intruders along with the Image Processing techniques for intruder detection. Face detection and recognition using a Dot Projector will also be done in this project. For detection of an intruder, an Infrared Camera is used with dual channels to ensure image detection even in the dreary surroundings. In one channel, the image captured will be crosschecked with the database. Further, it will be preserved in the database if the interloper is new and if the user wants to and send it along with the notification which is its primary work and the other channel will provide live streaming. Median Filter will be applied to remove noise from the image and KL Transform Algorithm will be applied for compression of the image produced due to an infrared camera. An android application is deployed for user for Camera configuring and being notified remotely. This project also looks forward to providing intrusion detection for other kinds of objects. Therefore, this arrangement helps in raising protection and refuge.

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Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 10
Publication Date: 10/7/2021

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