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Volume 10 Issue 4

April 2024

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Prof. Priyanka Kedar


QR Code, User Location, Finger Print


Innovations throughout the world of technology often make encryption of information an inseparable part of it. Authentication plays a major role in coping with defense. The suggested method provides a review of the different authentication methods in different areas. In the proposed method, various methods are used to classify the individual recipient to pass the rating or examination. The wide range of programmes require accurate personal identification systems either to validate or decide 1the identity of the user requesting their services. The object of such system should ensure that the resources offered are used only by a legitimate customer and not by someone else. In the proposed method, we will use the current position of the device, purchase software qrcode, user finger printing to identify that mobile owner and user verification. The location of the proposed framework would help to improve the authenticity of the analysis and remove the untrusted review

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 7/1/2021

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