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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Ms.Laxmi N. Kale


Leachate, Modern landfills, Liners, Geomembrane, Geosynthetic Clay Liners.


Modern landfills are highly engineering containment systems,they are designed to minimize the impact of solid waste such as (refuse, trash, and garbage) on the environment and the human health. In the modern landfills, the waste is contained by a liner system. The primary purpose of liner system is to an isolate the landfill contents from the environment and so that, to protect the soil as well as ground water from the pollution originating in the landfill. The one of the greatest threat to ground water posed by modern landfills is leachate. The Leachate is consists of the water as well as water soluble compounds in the refuse which are accumulate as water moves through the landfill. This water may be from rainfall or also from the waste itself. Leachate may be migrating from the landfill as well as contaminate soil and ground water, thus presenting a risk to human and environmental health.

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Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 1/1/2021

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