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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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WIFI module ESP8266, Arduino, Internet of Thing (IoT), Server


The old manual systems are nowadays replaced by digitization and automation. Devices are connected and controlled by the platform provided by IoT (Internet of Things). This project is about creating a light switching monitoring and controlling system, for judicial utilization of power consumption in an organization. It mainly focuses on controlling the on/off state of lights/fans in various blocks of a building using a computer. This lights/fans switching system will be greatly beneficial for workers to control the on/off state of the lights/fans, without wandering to the different locations of a building, particularly in case of large-sized buildings (for EX. our college). More users can be facilitated where the connections of the sensor are made. It is done by the admin, who controls the devices connected to the server. A lot of manual work gets minimized by this approach. This system will be implemented as a software module combined with a hardware module. First, the user has to login to the application and then select the blocks and floors, to monitor and control the on/off state of lights/fans. The control signal is sent to the WIFI router which passes the control to the WIFI module ESP8266 and then the switch controlling is done. The software uses a spring boot framework which works on both front and back ends. With the help of this system, an organization can optimize its power consumption which is the need of the hour.

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Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 9/2/2020

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