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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Mohit Sahu


affordable, sustainable, housing, estimating, costing.


The need for achieving sustainability in social housing has been widely acknowledged in the literature and society in general. Housing problems occur both in rich and poor communities across the planet. There is an enormous shortage of housing in India, mainly due to the fact that the urban population is increasing at a fast pace. Nearly 28% of Indians live in cities and urban areas, which is double compared to the rate of urbanization back in 1947. Given the magnitude of the present housing shortage which we are facing and economical barriers of both state and central government, it is clear that efforts of public sector will not be capable to cope up with the requirement. At present there is plenty of cost-effective technology which can be used for construction of affordable houses at large scales. But due to lack of their technical knowledge, they are still not in use. In future with the increase of their technical aspect, these technologies can be used for mass construction of affordable housing projects in India for the poor and needy.

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Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 8/2/2020

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