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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Alok B Patel


Data mining; Rule optimization, Artificial Bee Colony; Fuzzy Association rule mining, Multi- Objective


Data Mining is the process of obtaining high level knowledge by automatically discovering information from data in the form of rules and patterns. Data mining is most commonly used in attempts to induce association rules from transaction data. Association rule mining is a well-established method of data mining that identifies significant correlations between items in transactional data. An association rule is an expression XàY, where X and Y are a set of items. It means in the set of transactions. Fuzzy Association rule mining is an essential topic in Information retrieval mining field and produces all important Fuzzy association rules between attributes in the dataset because large data set records considered as transactions. In ABC algorithms are inspired by some natural phenomenon and called Nature Inspired Algorithms (NIAs). The NIAs mimics the intelligent behavior of social insects like bees, ants, termites, fish, birds, etc. Swarm Intelligence getting popularity now days and become a rising and fascinating area. It depends on the cooperative behavior of societal living thing. Societal individual makes use of their skill of societal wisdom to crack multifaceted everyday jobs. The main power of swarm based optimization strategy is multiple interactions in societal colonies. Swarm intelligence strategies have the potential to solve complex factual world optimization problems as the preceding study have exposed. This survey provides a of ABC algorithm and analysis of its performance in various sector.

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Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 7/1/2020

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