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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Osho Kumar


BIM, Off-site construction, Integrated digital platform, Pre-fabrication, Cost-benefits, Stakeholders, Investment


Construction industry has been continuously growing despite the complexities and risks involved with the projects. To continue this growth path and to meet with the increasing demands due to urbanization, the industry has been adopting various new trends and technologies such as Building information modelling and Off-site construction methodology. However, the cost associated with the deployment of new technologies proved to be an obstacle for stakeholders to make such paradigm shift. The objective of this paper was to analyze the benefits which can be achieved by investing in integration of two modern construction approaches and how it can help in achieving cost advantages, while achieving high quality construction work in less time. BIM with off-site construction can help in creating a streamline off-site production process with an integrated digital platform which includes virtual 3D and 2D models of the project, pre-fabrication models, detailed design database and stakeholder’s involvement at different levels of a project which creates high level of collaboration which can reduce complexities and increases long term project benefits and returns on investment. Initially the research paper analyzed data gathered through questionnaire surveys conducted with construction industry stakeholders to investigate cost and other important factors which are critical in BIM implementation into offsite construction. Performing a benefit-cost analysis using survey outcomes and creating cost models showed that even though the initial cost for implementation of BIM with Off-site construction is high, still the capabilities of BIM to minimize Off-site construction risks, costs, duration and change orders are very significant.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/4/2020

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