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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Mohamed Ramis N


Accident Analysis, Black spot, ASI, Road Safety Audit Operation Maintenance Road, Chennai-Tada NH-5.


Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a formal method for assessing coincidence potential and safety performance of recent and current roads. RSA is a good, value effective and proactive technique to enhance road safety.It is proved that RSA has the capacity to store lives. FIR Data have to be gathered from the involved police stations at the identified stretches and do the twist of fate evaluation then identify the block spot region. Visit the block spot area give the recommendation for the relevant statement as a street safety auditor to the patron. The observe targets to assess Road Safety Audit of a segment of 4-lane or six National Highway (NH)/SH- and could cognizance on comparing the advantages of the proposed actions that have emanated from deficiencies identified thru the audit technique.After engaging in RSA, its miles discovered that vehicles are parked on toll road which reduces the effective width of carriageway and developing visitors risks to high velocity moving traffics.The most Vulnerable Road User (VRU) i.e. Pedestrians and cyclists’ centers close to habitation are lacking and desires to be facilitated on priority.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/2/2020

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