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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Deeksha M


ATmega328 Microcontroller, Lawn Mower, Remote sensing, Ultrasonic Sensors.


This paper presents lawn mower which is totally based on solar panel with remote sensing. In this device we use Arduino board to do all the programming of this device even the slidest movement of wheel. An Ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the location of obstacle and to inform the arm to respond. The system uses batteries to power the vehicle movement motors as well as the grass cutter motor. We also use a solar panel to charge the battery so that there is no need of charging it externally. The grass cutter and vehicle motors are interfaced to an ATmega328 microcontroller that controls the working of all the motors. It is also interfaced to an ultrasonic sensor for object detection. The microcontroller moves the vehicle motors in forward direction in case no obstacle is detected. On obstacle detection ultrasonic sensor monitors it and the microcontroller thus stops the grass cuter motor so as to avoid any damage to the object/human/animal. Microcontroller then turns the robotic vehicle off until it gets clear of the object and then moves the grass cutter in forward direction again. The lawn mower made with solar panels which will come handy in sunny days and are environment friendly.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/2/2020

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