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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Tinku Joy


Price model, International pricing strategy, born global, High-tech firm


Purpose: This paper aims to understand how high-tech start-up firms from small and open economies develop and optimize their international pricing strategies and models. The paper proposes modeling a pricing strategy process and outlining why and how leadership is important throughout the pricing process. The study aims to expand the study of international entrepreneurship and global firms by including a broader and deeper range of pricing aspects than is normally found in the international entrepreneurship and pricing literature. Design/methodology/approach: The paper opted for a multiple case-study research design using different sources of evidence, including four in-depth interviews with CEOs of high-tech start-up firms. The case-study firms were selected using a purposive selection method. The interviews were conducted in December 2016 at the corporate headquarters of companies. The data was analyzed using grounded theory to develop categories and to understand consistencies and differences. The theoretical framework of Ingenbleek, Frambach & Verhallen (2013) is used to analyze the pricing strategies of the case study firms. Findings: The paper provides empirical insights about how high-tech start-up firms from small and open economies develop and optimize their international price-setting strategies and models. It suggests that successful leaders act as ‘integrating forces’ on two levels: by applying a structured and disciplined price-setting process with regular reviews and by mediating between corporate financial goals and the local market reality. Research/practical implications: The results are relevant for researchers and policy makers who support activities that promote engagement into entrepreneurial activity. The results support that claim that policy makers should offer insights, training and financial support to give promising high-tech start-up firms the possibility to select the most efficient international pricing models and strategies. The results are relevant for entrepreneurs to understand the importance of efficient price-modeling processes, including regular price reviews, and the influence of the different price strategies and price models on financial results and sales revenues. Originality/value: This paper fulfils an identified need to study how high-tech start-up firms from small and open economies develop and optimize their international pricing strategies and models.

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Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 3/3/2020

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