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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Computer Numeric Control Based Cutting Tool






The process of cutting raw materials is one of the most basic processes in a manufacturing industry. The cutting tools used earlier were capable of shaping metals more accurately than it was possible by hand they allowed manufacturers to consistently produce parts that were nearly identical in shape, size and form. The requirement of higher accuracy accompanied by tremendous development in technology paved way to Computer Numeric Control (CNC) based machines. Since then, CNC based cutting equipments have been long used in manufacturing industries for processing and cutting of raw materials. Computer Numerical Control means a computer converts the design produced by computer design software, into numbers. The numbers can be considered to be coordinates of a graph and they control the movement of cutter. In this way the computer controls the cutting and shaping of the material. CNC machines contribute to achieve machining automation besides achieving high productivity and high accuracy in machining operations. The CNC machines provide flexibility to manufacturing process since they are capable of producing not just basic shapes but also complex shapes. Our project aims at designing basic CNC cutting equipment. We intend to develop a cutting tool that would be capable of cutting the material into 2 dimensions, with basic shapes and limited dimensions. Here the cutter is assumed to be a pen. The project will use a keypad for feeding the basic design to the device. The operation of CNC machine will be emulated by a pen that resembles a cutting tool, the pen traces a trajectory on the piece of paper that resembles the actual material itself.

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Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/3/2016

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