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Image compression using improved JPEG2000 Standard


Kriti Patidar


JPEG2000, JPEG, Entropy, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).


There are different compression techniques but the image compression standard JPEG2000, provides high compression amounts for the similar graphical quality for gray and color images than JPEG. JPEG2000 is being adopted for image compression and broadcast in cell phones, PDA and PCs. An image may contain the formatted text and graphics data. The compression show of the JPEG2000 acts poorly when compressing an image with low color depth such as graphics images. In this paper, we suggest a method to differentiate the true color images from graphics images and to compress visuals images using a wavelet transform allowance under JPEG2000 standard that will improve the compression performance. This technique can be simply improved in image compression requests without changing the syntax of compressed stream of JPEG2000.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/2/2016

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