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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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Fingerprint Identification System using Ant Colony Algorithm




component;internet of Things; Ant colony algorithm; Pheromone;


The Internet of things is a network which connected to objects through the Internet, internet was treated as the foundation and the core ,by which the most date transmission is wireless information and intelligent processing information, in this situation for one thing ,the social efficiency can greatly improved, for another , the problem of security such as identity authentication and privacy issues. Fingerprint identification can be effectively applied in identity authentication, while there is a high rate of false rejection and false acceptance in traditional fingerprint identification method. An adaptive ant colony algorithm was present in this paper, by which the threshold was set. The image segmentation fingerprint sample image was devide to blocks in the client, and were sent to the server for matching. As the experimental results shown, the system can effectively improve the recognition rate of fingerprint remotely.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 11
Publication Date: 11/28/2019

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