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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Aishwarya Prajapati


Cloud Security, Integrity, Availability, Data Security Issues.


Cloud Computing is next generation computing technology with the dynamic capabilities of adding new resources and services as per user demand and requirement. Cloud computing is fast growing technology which facilitates more and more users and organizations shifting towards opting their services to cloud. Data security is considered as the constant issue leading towards a hitch in the adoption of cloud computing. Data privacy, Integrity and trust issues are few severe security concerns leading to wide adoption of cloud computing. The advent of the proposed model has sufficient functionalities and capabilities which ensures the data security and integrity. The proposed framework focuses on the encryption and decryption approach facilitating the cloud user with data security assurance. The proposed solution only talks about the increased security but does not talk about the performance. In this paper, a survey of different security issues and threats are also presented. A data security framework also provides the transparency to both the cloud service provider and the cloud user thereby reducing data security threats in cloud environment.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 9/7/2019

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