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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Mr. Shubham Raibole


Cost-overrun, productivity, material management.


Construction Industry in India is one of the major job generators and a major source of investment. But improper management leads to cost-overruns. Two major factors affecting project performance is time and cost. Construction materials and equipments may account for more than 60% of project cost in construction industry and has a bearing on labour productivity also. Material management directly affects the cost and duration of the project and hence is a vital part of project and construction management but remains understudied and its effects are not given due scrutiny. Material handling, inventory management, planning, scheduling, procurement, receiving, monitoring, tracking and controlling are all part of material management. All these aspects of material management are inter-related and inter-dependent and form a complex system. This study aims to shed light on techniques and current trends in construction industry. It also aims to find out whether traditional method of construction management is still predominant or new technology and software is being used. Whether a clear plan to manage material onsite is in place is surveyed, the obstacles in implementation of new techniques have been found out. An assessment of contemporary trends of material management in Construction Industry. Also S-curve analysis is carried out to study the deviation of actual material cost from planned material cost. Material handling, inventory management, planning, scheduling, procurement, receiving, monitoring, tracking and controlling are all part of material management. All these aspects of material management are inter-related and inter-dependent and form a complex system. This study aims to shed light on techniques and current trends in construction industry. It also aims to find out whether traditional method of construction management is still predominant or new technology and software is being used. Whether a clear plan to manage material onsite is in place is surveyed, the obstacles in implementation of new techniques have been found out. An assessment of contemporary trends of material management in Construction Industry. Also S-curve analysis is carried out to study the deviation of actual material cost from planned material cost.

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Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/3/2019

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