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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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Yusoof Ali


Web, Resume Parser, KNN Query Processing, Content Keyword Weightage.


A user needs to contribute time and energy looking for their dream work that matches their skills. Because of this the talent and ability of the user may go unnoticed by an organization. Our solution additionally tackles the issue of a recruiter experiencing a countless number of resumes every day. Along these lines, organizations are not ready to employ the best possibility for their association and need to contribute additional time and asset to find the best candidates for their association. The primary undertaking is to separate the occurrence of different data, for example, keywords, skills, work experience, etc. were made reference to in the CV. The keywords should be positioned by whether they are required and additionally rank them depending on their order of the CV. A UI is created for the user to submit their resume. In the proposed model we develop a system which will suggest the job for the user according to the user's resume as well as allow recruiters to view the candidate list based on the job requirements.

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Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 5/1/2019

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