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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Bhagyashree .M. Kamble


Intrinsic decomposition ,illumination ,reflectance , gamma mapping , image enhancement ,Gamma mapping.


In this paper we are going to discuss how to enhance the quality of an image that is been degraded by uneven distribution of light. The efficacy of contrast enhancement is widely known from photography, particularly for digital photography, in which it is employed to help compensate for the physical limitations of photographic equipment in comparison with the human visual system. Intrinsic image components can be regarded as a set of images describing an image in terms of scene illumination, shape and reflectance of surfaces in the scene.The effective method to enhance the quality is by intrinsic decomposition .in Industry there is wide range of application for Decomposing an image into its intrinsic components , so it is necessary to obtain prior knowledge on reflectance and shading to solve the intrinsic decomposition problem. Intrinsic image decomposition aiming to separate an image into reflectance and illumination layers. The illumination values represent the amount of reached light. The proposed system which performs the Split Bergman algorithm for the intrinsic decomposition and adjust the illumination layer of the processed image.the proposed decomposition model is performed on the value channel in HSV space, To avoid color artifacts potential introduced by illumination adjusting and reduce computing complexity, The performance of the proposed system is evaluated by using the obtained results with the conventional decomposition methods. Experimental results shows that without effecting the texture/ boundary of an image we achieve the excellent quality of contrast enhanced image.

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Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 5/1/2019

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