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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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Dr.Kishore M



To develop a automatic fuel data monitoring system for vehicles. Monitoring of fuel going inside the tank during fuel filling process is a difficult task. With the help of this system fuel going inside the tank when the fuel is being filled and consumed by vehicle engine can be monitored. This type of system can be used to measure the amount of petrol, diesel or some other type of liquid in the vehicle tank. The purpose of this device is to prevent fraud in petrol pumps where in some cases the quantity of fuel displayed in the filling machine is not the actual quantity of fuel going inside the tank. This situation occurs in few petrol pumps as the filling machine is tapered by the owner or the employee of the pumps and the customers get cheated. Hence, this device when installed in the tank of a vehicle prevents the customer from getting cheated.

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Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 3/27/2019

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