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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Review on Floor Cleaning Robot


Koli Snehal L


Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, vacuum, Driver IC, Motors.


Manual work is taken over the robot technology and many of the related robot appliances are being used extensively also. Here represents the technology that proposed the working of robot for Floor cleaning. This floor cleaner robot can work in any of two modes i.e. “Automatic and Manual”. All hardware and software operations are controlled by Arduino. The aim of this project work is to develop and modernized process for cleaning the floor with wet and dry and also obstacle detection .Usually robots of this kind can cost more making it an unaffordable choice. At the same time this economical robotic floor cleaner has been designed mainly keeping the price margin in mind. As a result, a most efficient and agile cleaning system is developed to attain perfect cleaning rather than satisfactory cleaning achieved by a pre-existing extravagant machine. This project resulted in the outcome of exhaustive research and comparisons with the conventional designs and performances of various kinds and make. Supervisory control over these gadgets is made so simple and cost efficient without reduction in performance. By minimizing human intervention, the newly designed economical robotic floor cleaner paves a new way in innovating inexpensive, at the same time better home appliances. Ease of use and simple interface makes this project a most useful device in this busy and smart world of today. With the aim of keeping our robot as simple as possible, while able to perform the initial goals, i.e. a vacuum cleaner robot able to clean a room or a house with the minimum human assistance.

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Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 2/4/2019

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