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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Rushabh Patadia


Management information system(MIS), Warehouse management system , Barcode.


The “WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is the answer to reducing inventory cost and improving degree of customer satisfaction, which means a great deal to enterprises. With the competition of logistic industry becoming severe, the need of promoting performance of WMS increases rapidly. This paper discusses the design and implement of WMS based on aspect oriented programming (AOP), which simplifies its system structure, increases its agility, expansibility and maintainability by reengineering business logic, and thus adapts itself well to current warehouse management. We also describes how AOP was applied and how does it work in our system through an example of stocking in. Applying AOP to WMS benefits to solve some existing problems in current WMS, for example complex structure, poor maintenance and poor adaptation.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 2/3/2019

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