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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Sri Sai Bharath G R



The steady increase of urban population and the possible effects of climate change may adversely affect the amount of water available & existing water supply systems. As a result, a high priority is given to the study of alternative water service options such as storm water, rainwater harvesting and wastewater recycling along with centralised systems. In this type of systems, water is supplied via a centralised water supply system in combination with decentralised water supply options such as rainwater-storm water harvesting wastewater reuse. This combination of centralised-decentralised water supply systems is termed as Hybrid water supply system (WSS). Such hybrid WSS can offer the potential for increased urban water system security and sustainability by reducing net urban water use, freeing up water supplies for other uses and reducing resource consumption because of reduced conveyance requirements and absence of the need to treat all water to the same high standards. This paper demonstrates about the water harvesting through surface water bodies and treatment and reuse of the sewage. The paper gives an ideology to adopt decentralised WSS options in combination with centralised system to aid with meeting the water demand as well as flood mitigation and stream health restoration. This paper also provides a framework to understand the interaction between the components (centralised and decentralised system) of hybrid system. The framework depends on understanding the existing local conditions and developing a solution.

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Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 12/18/2018

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