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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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ABE, Storage, Deduplication, CP-ABE


Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) is extensively used in storing secured data with process of deduplication in cloud computing. But ABE does not support secure deduplication, wastes space and decreases the network bandwidth. Cipher text Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) procedure assures an information distribution in the conception of cloud computing. CP-ABE eliminates multiple copies of same data to achieve secure deduplication in cloud. The related data to be shared is under the full authority of the Data owner in accessing policy. Nevertheless, CP-ABE has less ability to security chances which is familiar as key escrow issue, through which the hidden key referring the customers should be delivered through trustworthy keys authorities. Parallel to, many of the current CP-ABE strategy doesn’t support the attributes with inconsistent state. In this proposed work, the attribute-based data distributing strategy is considered in finding the solution to key escrow problem and at the same time to also enhance the eloquence or articulation of the attributes. With this, the resulting strategy is found to be most favourable to the applications of cloud computing. An enhanced two-party key providing protocol is proposed to assure that either key authority or cloud service contributor can co-operate with the entire hidden keys of a customer personally. Additionally, in this proposal a new approach of attributes which includes weightage, being presented to improve the interpretation of the attributes that notably expands definitions from doubled to random state, and it reduces complications of accessing policies. Accordingly, together with complexity of encrypted data and storage cost for a cipher text are reassured. The efficiency determination and security confirmation shows that the proposed strategy is capable of performing more efficiently with secured data distribution in cloud computing.

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Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 8/2/2018

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