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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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Delay recovery analysis at ROB


Shraddha S. Bendsure


Equipment management, manpower management, estimation, scheduling, quality.


The case study considered here is a railway over bridge project at Akurdi, Pune. The site is lagging behind by 8 months according to the monthly progress report worked out by the contractor. Analysis has been done keeping in mind the equipments and manpower resources available at site. Cost estimates have been carried out for structural components remaining for completion of project. Also the quality control tests have been considered. Scheduling is done according the availability of resources in order to save time. 2 plans have been suggested in this paper for achieving delay recovery. Delay is quite comman hindrance in construction industry and also frequently expensive. There are many times loans involved, operating cost, inflation in wages and also material prices which affect the overall cost of the project.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 8/2/2018

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