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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Fabrication Of A Wind Power Refrigeration System Using Wind Energy


Shaik Sameer


Rechargeable Battery, Wind turbine, Exhaust fan, Thermo electric plate, SMPS.


The project is to fabricate thermo electric refrigerator using wind energy. It is pollution less project, made by using thermoelectric module. It supports for cooling. Hence it proves to be very helpful. Exhaust fan is attached to the system to spread the cooling to the surroundings. Micro controller reads the temperature sensor values which are connected to the thermoelectric plate. It has no moving parts and thus maintenance free. It supports for both heating and cooling. Hence it proves to be very helpful. The research focused on simulation of a thermoelectric refrigerator maintained at 4°C. The wind thermoelectric avoids any unnecessary electrical hazards and provides a very environment friendly product and also the thermoelectric refrigerator does not produce chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). It is pollutant free-contains no liquids or gases, portable, compact, creates no vibration or noise because of the difference in the mechanics of the system. The project has various applications like military or aerospace, refrigeration purpose, medical and pharmaceutical equipment etc.

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Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 8/1/2018

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