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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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SivaBalan N


Backorder, partial backlogging, Green Supply Chain, Deterioration, Inventory Optimization


It has been more than fifteen years since the term Internet of Things (IoT) was introduced to the public. However, despite the efforts of research groups and innovative corporations, still today it is not possible to say that IoT is upon us . This is mainly due to the fact that a unified IoT architecture has not been yet clearly defined and there is no common agreement in defining protocols and standards for all IoT parts. The necessity to accommodate hundreds and thousands of sensors for successful automation is of great prominence in the field of M2M communication with increasing appliances at home and industries,. MQTT or Message Queue Telemetry Transport is an Internet of Things protocol for machine to machine communication. The protocols MQTT capable of handling sensor traffic under low bandwidth and constrained network conditions are extensively used to improve automated systems. MQTT protocol with an intensive use of Internet of things (IoT) environment which guarantees the following properties within the automation process: Advanced reports and statistics, remote command execution on one or more units (groups of units), detailed monitoring of remote units and custom alarm mechanism and firmware upgrade on one or more units (groups of units). MQTT is designed for small devices that don’t have much memory or processing power and for low-bandwidth, high-cost, and unreliable networks. It’s designed to minimize network bandwidth and device resource requirements while providing the required assurance of delivery.

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Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 7/2/2018

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