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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Prof. Mrunal Pathak


DG-Data Gloves, RGB-Red Green Blue, LCD-Liquid Crystal Display


Communication between deaf-dump and a normal person have always been a challenging task. About 9 billion people in the world come into this category from which India constitutes 2.4 million of deaf-dump population which is quite large number to be ignored. These people lack the amenities which a normal person should own. This decreasing a ratio of literate and employed deaf. As deaf-dump people use sign language for their communication which is difficult to understand by the normal people. There-fore we propose the Marathi sign language recognition system which aims at eradicating the communication barrier between them by developing system which will translate hand gesture into textual and vocal format without any requirement of special sign language interpreter. The cost of interpreter is very high which cannot be possible for each deaf. This system can also be proved useful for solving same problem of two Persons which knows two different languages. The first step of system to Create the database of Marathi sign language. We compile the sensor based dataset. In dataset hand movements are captured using two DG5-V hand gloves. Data labelling is performed using a camera to synchronize hand movement with words. The output of system is displayed using speaker and LCD. In this way we are trying to help to improve quality of life of the deaf community.

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Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 4/2/2016

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