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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Datar Mrunal


Face Detection, Face Tracking, Six Segmented Rectangular Filter, Support Vector Machine.


Human Computer Interface and automation is one of the prime demands of today’s age. The contribution of this new technology a type of rectangular feature for face detection is represented in a 2*3 matrix form. With this the processing time which includes capturing image, tracking image i.e. extracting eye and nose feature, setting various reference points, calculating distance between reference points, becomes significantly very short. This technology is used for an application that it is capable of swapping mouse with human face for interaction with PC. Facial features such as nose tip, eyes are traced and tracked to use their movements for performing mouse events. Co-ordinates of the nose tip in the video feed are interpreted to develop coordinates of the mouse on screen. The left/right blink control left/right events for click. The external device will be webcam for the video stream. Our proposed system will enable the physically disabled people to control PC operations through facial expressions which will act as mouse. By using six segmented rectangular filter and face verification through Support Vector Machine, the face structure of the user can be quickly recognized. Only the essential part of the image is been taken into consideration such as the six segments of the face with the help of the motion cue. The image of user’s face will be captured and tracked after every interval of 30sec. System automatically detects the users eye blinks and accurately measures their durations. Long blinks triggers mouse click, while short blinks are ignored.

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Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 4/2/2016

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