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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Kachale D.S.


Coefficient of performance, Compressor power consumption, Cooling system, Internal combustion engine, Vapour compression.


An internal combustion engine produces power burning by fuel within the cylinders; however, only about 30% of the heat is converted to useful power. Thirty to thirty five per cent of the heat produced in the combustion chambers by the burning fuel is dissipated by the cooling system along with the lubrication and fuel system. If this heat were not removed quickly, overheating and extensive damage would result. Valves would burn and warp, lubricating oil would break down, pistons and bearing would overheat and seize, and the engine would soon stop. Most internal combustion engines are cooled using either air or a liquid coolant run through a heat exchanger (radiator) cooled by air. In air cooling system, heat is carried away by the air flowing over and around the cylinder. In water-cooling system of cooling engines, the cylinder walls and heads are provided with jacket through which the cooling liquid can circulate. The above two system explain are widely used in cooling of IC engine of all types of automobiles vehicles. These systems provide constant cooling effect which is a major limitation. Because of constant cooling rate they give lower cooling effects at High speed and load condition, while at lower speed they give high cooling which is also not desirable. Here in this project we are going too analysed and proposed a new cooling system which has cooling effect based on speed and load condition experimentally.

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Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 3/14/2016

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