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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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Bigdata Computing and Clouds


Shreelakshmi C M


Bigdata,Cloud computing,Data managent,Bigdata computing


Big data computing demands a large storage and computing for data processing and creation that could be delivered from on-premise or clouds infrastructures. This paper provides the evolution of big data computing, differences between traditional data warehousing and big data, taxonomy of big data computing and underpinning technologies, integrated platform of big data and clouds known as big data clouds, layered architecture and components of big data cloud, and finally open-technical challenges and future directions. Approaches and environments for carrying out analytics on Clouds for Big Data applications are discussed. It revolves around four important areas of analytics and Big Data, namely (i) data management and supporting architectures; (ii) model development and scoring; (iii) visualisation and user interaction;and (iv) business models. Through a detailed survey, we identify possible gaps in technology andprovide recommendations for the research community on future directions on Cloud-supported Big Datacomputing and analytics solutions.

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Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 5/2/2017

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