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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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M. Vijayakumar


Active warm up, passive warm up, rate of perceived exertion, treadmill walking, blood pressure.


This study examines the effects of different warm up protocols on exercise performance among untrained young individuals. METHOD:A total of 100 medical and paramedical students (18-30 years) were selected by simple random sampling and were enrolled in the study. They performed active warm up( stretching, slow jogging and cycle ergomentry), passive warm up (strentching, massage and hot pack) and no warm up protocols ( rest period for 15 mins). After this the vitals were recorded and then the subject started walking on treadmill at the constant speed on 5 km/hour and until the RPE reached 15( somewhat hard). Immediately after terminating exercise vital parameters were taken and then after 3 minute, 5 minutes and 7 minutes. Also the duration of treadmill walking was recorded. RESULTS: The exercise duration was analyzed by using repeated measure ANOVA and the recovery parameters were compared by using paired t- test. All the tests are compared at confidence interval of 95%. CONCLUSION: Warm up is essential before any type of exercise. Passive warm up increases the exercise duration more than active warm up. The recovery period is shorter in active warm up procedure as compare to passive and no warm up. The recovery period of heart rate is not known as it did not come back to resting level at 7 minutes.

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Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 5/2/2017

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