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Volume 10 Issue 4

April 2024

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A. Pappu Rajan


Digital India, Digital Trust, Digital Economy, Inclusive Growth, IT Development


Technology today is evolving and enabling faster changes with progresses it requires learning, unlearning and relearning of new technologies. All over the world the need to align with the new technology like Computing Power, Quantum computing, Smarter Devices, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital Trust,3D Printing, Genomics, Edge and cloud Computing, Blockchain and Bitcoin, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Blockchain, Internet of Things,5G and Cyber Security. The inclusive growth of the Indian Economy is concentrating on the development of technology in all fields. The transformation of manual to digital is a core aim of the country, which will help the country to empowerment of society and intellectual capital of knowledge creation. Upcoming technology like quantum supremacy, emotional AI, 5G, flying car, autonomous car,3D Printing, drone flight, IoTs, Machine Learning and augmented reality will develop in the world economy and dominate the business industry in the next 20 years and beyond. The transformation of India is to a digitally empowered society and a knowledge economy in Digital India. The technology changes have more profound impacts on the humanity development. This is great success because of digital India, skill India, make in India, Start-up India and smart cities. These programs have been helped not only economic it has more inclusive growth in all area and benefits will get by every Indian. Developing digital infrastructure, improving digital delivery of services, giving digital literacy are main objective of the digital India, which are aiming at enhancing internet connectivity and improving the online infrastructure for power to empower. In this paper deals drivers in business, digital applications in India and their challenges and the new direction in digital India with inclusive growth especially in areas of electronic services, products, manufacturing and job opportunity.

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Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 11
Publication Date: 11/9/2022

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