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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Campus Navigation on Android Platform




GPS, Android SDK, ADT, Android Emulator, HTML, CSS, Java Script, JSP, Servlet, Apache Tomcat, LBS, Google Map


A University Campus maybe very large or it may have many campuses. Every year lots new student get admitted in the university. Many new buildings are built, new courses are started and some departments, library, canteen, the campus and how to find those places from current location. It creates problem to the new comer to reach easily and timely in the desired location. The new faculty number, staff and visitors also face same problem inside campus. Moreover ,these does not exist an efficient system to inform about any event which will happens just few minutes or a few hours later in in the university campus with its proper location and shortest path from current location. Now days, most of the student, faculty member members and staff use android phone for personal purpose. A Global positioning system based on map application will be most helpful to locate desired place and shortest path from current location and to get updater of event on map with its location. Thus it will reduce frustration and confusion of anybody inside the campus. This paper represents the architecture and design of a google map based application on android platform. The application has been implemented using android SDK and has been tested for KJ campuses.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 1, Issue : 10
Publication Date: 10/17/2015

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