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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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A Novel Hybrid Security system for OFDM-PON Using Digital Chaos and Scrambling with Fixed-Point Implementation


Rensu Elsa Chacko


Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Fixed point digital chaos algorithm.


This paper proposes a scheme for security improvement in the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing passive optical network (OFDM-PON) and LTE based on fixed-point digital chaos algorithm with low computational precision. In this paper aperiodic key streams are generated from a fixed-point chaos with its trajectory disturbed by the upstream data, and then used to encrypt the downstream data. Then in order to improve the security we have added scrambling to get two tire security and we have testing with the LTE communication system. After the decryption the loss is compensated by the signal enhancement at the receiver end.

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Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 5/1/2019

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