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Volume 10 Issue 4

April 2024

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Sanjay M. Jangid


Mimicking, Nature, Environment, Technology, Complexity.


Biomimicry is the study of mimicking nature, where it has been used by designers to help in solving human problems. From centuries ago designers and architects looked at nature as a huge source of inspiration. Biomimicry argues that nature is the best, most influencing and the guaranteed source of innovation for the designers as a result of nature’s 3.85 billion years of evolution, as it holds a huge experience of solving problems of the environment and its inhabitants. The biomimicry emerging field deals with new technologies from bio-inspired engineering at the micro and macro scale levels. Architects have been searching for answers from nature to their complex questions about different kinds of structures, and they have mimicked a lot of forms from nature to create greater and more efficient structures for different architectural purposes. These complex ways and forms of structures couldn’t been mimicked without computers and thus using computers had risen the way of mimicking and taking inspiration from nature because it is considered a very knowledgeable and accurate tool for simulation and computing, as a result designers can imitate different nature’s models in spite of its complexity.

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Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 5/2/2020

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