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Volume 10 Issue 7

July 2024

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Shweta.B. Parekh


AES, Data security, Mobile devices, Self-Encryption


Now days, Mobile phones have become our day to day necessity. In traditional approach most of the users think that their personal mobile device is secure to store the confidential information. They simply store their data without providing any security to the data, but nowadays due to rapidly growing mobile users, so it is challenging task to maintain privacy of our mobile data in this approach.In case if mobile phone device has been stolen or lost it is very simply to access confidential data without efforts. That's why we use this application. This application allows user to store sensitive data and confidential information on their mobile devices without having to worry about confidentiality even if the mobile is lost. This system is developed so that employees and other mobile users can store and operate on sensitive data on their mobile phones without having to worry of it being leaked. This project concentrates on securing data on mobile phones by storing it in an encrypted form.

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Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 4/19/2020

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