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Volume 10 Issue 4

April 2024

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Aafiya Shaikh


Remote Access, URL, SMTP server, Client-Server network


This paper presents the development of a Parental Control System which possesses capabilities like remote monitoring and controlling of internet access on computer. Parental Control Internet Access (PCIA) continuously monitors the internet usage on a computer and on monitoring it checks the URL entered further send URL entered to the database. In the database we have a list of URLs which are restricted on our computer. If the entered URL is found in our list then it will send the details of that URL to the admin’s email with the help of the SMTP server. On email, we will send the photo of the user and the details of the URL, so the admin will get an idea about the sites being surfed on his computer from anywhere and as a result he will block the user with the help of which he will close the running browser. This system allows the parents to monitor the internet access of their child from anywhere and hence makes it easier for parent to monitor the actions on computer.

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Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 3/24/2020

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