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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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training and development


Guthuru Ashwini



Training is the provision of guided experience to change behavior ,attitudes or opinions .training needs analysis identifies specific gaps which training is designed to fill benefits of training .it enhances confidence, commitment & motivation in oneself, which leads to recognition ,greater responsibility , pay improvements, personal satisfaction , achievement and enhanced career prospects . it improves availability &quality of staff also enhances mobility from the trainee’s perspective. Training takes place either on or off-the-job. Development is the need to enhance competencies beyond those required by the immediate job, for example values &ethics of organization and professional is a source of enthusiasm. So training and development must help the organization to equip each employee with the knowledge and skill needed to perform his/her job effectively at present and in future.

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Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 3/4/2020

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