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Volume 10 Issue 4

April 2024

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Mr. Rajat N. Gawande


Labour productivity,time motion,work study,regression analysis


With the continuous decline in profit margins and increased competition in construction projects, construction contractors are finding ways of eliminating waste and increasing profits. Although numerous approaches have been developed to improve efficiency and effectiveness of construction process, implementing statistical techniques offer the promise to minimize, if not eliminate non value-adding work. The construction industry is one of the largest industries in any economy. It makes a significant contribution to the national economy and provides employment to large number of people. Time and motion study (also referred to as motion and time study, the terms are used interchangeably) is the scientific study of the conservation of human resources in the search for the most efficient method of doing a task. Time and motion study is carried out to asses’ human effectiveness by improved planning and sound incentive schemes to its employees. It is employed in the assessment of the human efforts in various aspects to lead systematically to many factors which ultimately affect efficiency and economy of the situation under study in realizing the objectives of bringing about improvements. The purpose of this work is to highlight the benefits of time and motion study employed in construction sector. Time and motion study has been employed to measure the productivity of the operations. It is expected that employing lean concepts to construction will help in increasing productivity and reduce risks. Statistical analysis will help in life cycle of a construction project right from concept to completion and finally in operation and maintenance of the process. In essence, the focus is to apply time and motion study and statistical analysis to various construction process to the observation data sets generated for various construction process on site and determine the productivity

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Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 1/4/2019

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