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Volume 10 Issue 9

September 2024

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Partial Replacement of Cement by Marble Powder and Fly Ash as an Additive in Concrete


Bhavana B M


marble dust powder, cement, compressive strength, split tensile strength, fly ash


Cement is widely used material in construction industry. So, it would be helpful if we find any waste material which replaces cement partially so that quantity of cement is reduced and production of concrete also become economical. This study majorly focuses on the behavior of the strength when waste marble powder is used in concrete. For this study, marble powder is collected from Jigani Industrial Area. It is observed that, marble powder actively takes part in hydration process and helps in improving mechanical properties of concrete. Marble powder is replaced in varying percentages of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 by weight of cement. It is noticed that, the strength increases up to 15% replacement and optimum value is obtained at 15% replacement. Beyond 15% replacement level, sudden decrease in the strength was observed. So, fly ash is used as an additive after this level in the percentages of 5 and 10 by weight of cement. For 20 and 25% of replacement if 10% fly ash is added, the strengths obtained are nearly equal to that of conventional concrete.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 12/18/2018

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