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Volume 10 Issue 4

April 2024

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Trunal Khalkar


Quad-copter, NAZA MV-2,UAV


The core intention of this project is to design and manufacture a Quadcopter which can be used for various purposes in the agricultural sector. At this particular point the main aim of the project is to reduce human efforts in agricultural surveillance and pesticides spraying. The purpose can be easily achieved by equipping an UAV with a wireless mesh node. In this scenario, the UAV or Quadcopter swarm can be considered to be a highly mobile wireless mesh network. We propose an architecture based on Quadcopter that can be employed to implement a control loop for agricultural applications where Quadcopters are responsible for spraying chemicals on crops. The process of applying the chemicals is controlled by means of the feedback from the wireless sensors network deployed at ground level on the crop field. An algorithm will be evaluated to adjust the Quadcopter route under changing conditions of wind (intensity and direction) and the impact related to the number of messages exchanged between the Quadcopter and the wireless sensor network (WSN). The information retrieved by the WSN allows the Quadcopter to spray the chemicals strictly on the designated areas. Since there are sudden and frequent changes in environmental conditions the control loop must be able to react as quickly as possible.

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Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/2/2017

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