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Volume 10 Issue 4

April 2024

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Pradnya Kadam


Document networks, postmarketing product surveillance, similarity, Classification, clustering


In the big word of internet, most of the things are become online. Now days, most of the various organizations such as hospitals, education, government offices, makes their all formalities online. To provide the easy and reliable access, such organizations, keep their all paper documents in an electronic form. To get relevant documents in such a vast database of documents is very difficult. Therefore it is necessary to develop a system, that automatically find out the relevant documents in human readable form. To achieve this system, document clustering plays very important role. In this document clustering process, numbers of documents are segmented into particular number of subgroups according to specific topic. The documents belongs to same cluster contain, similar topic wise documents. It means that heterogeneous documents are analyzed and represent uniformly. This will make easy and understandable searching of documents to humans. Even though, there are some challenging problems related to this document clustering such as huge amount of documents, its high dimensionality and sometimes complex meaning of words in particular document. Till now, various clustering approaches are presented by several authors to solve these problems of document clustering. This paper makes the survey of various recent document clustering and topic modeling approaches and compares them on the basis of technique used and their respected advantages and disadvantages, which will helpful for further research.

Other Details

Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 6/1/2017

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